Moreton is a big sand island, one of the biggest in the world (Frasier is much bigger though),

The next day I got a ride after about a hour to a beach on the north side and from there I had to walk about 2-3 hours with my heavy backpack before I ran into someone having breakfast on the beach, spoke a little to the couple then kept on walking. But they felt sorry for me and drove after me and picked me up and dropped me where I wanted to go, and in the afternoon they drove me back to the ferry I planned to get on, thank god for that because otherwise I would have to stay 2 more days (no ferries leaving on Tuesdays) with only one day worth of food on the island. Moreton was a very nice place thought and if I lived in Brisbane and was into fishing I would go there often! Got off in Redcliffe again when the sun had already set and couldn't find any place to stay for the night so pitched my tent on a patch of grass down by the docks.
The next day I got a ride to GlassHouse Mountains

Yesterday I went to the Australian Zoo which was just another 8km away, I mean who can travel to Australia without going to Steve Irwin's Zoo? The Zoo was quite nice and all the Steve memorial stuff and photos and so on made me kind of sad that the world lost such an awesome bloke! Though the Zoo was a bit pricey, I mean 67$ just to get in! Crikey! After the Zoo

I caught a few rides to Noosa Heads at the north of Sunset Coast (Another area like the Gold Coast, just not as many skyscrapers yet) which is where I'm currently at, and once again the rain is just pissing down so I decided to stay another night in the hostel just reading books and so instead of trying the very cheap surfing here and awesome beaches. I really hate this shitty weather!