Decided not to go north because the rain was pouring down in the morning so I kept riding with Barry(the old guy) along the Great Ocean Road most of the day, did a couple of stops taking photos of the 12 Apostles and Bay of Isles and so on.

One of the rides I got was with a local driving a jeep and having an australian sheep dog that was lying in my lap the whole time. Ive realized I really want one of these dogs when I get back to Sweden and eventually get a proper job and a home I can call my own (if that´s ever gonna happen). They are just such amazing, friendly and loyal dogs! Just afraid its impossible to get one back in Sweden..
So now Ive arrived in Melbourne, its cold and rainy here. So I have decided that I'm gonna skip Tasmania (have I said that before?) because I just don't have the clothes for it and I want to really experience Tasmania properly going over there some other time renting a Van or 4WD.
Melbourne has some nice shopping and an awesome market, other then that its just another stressed out big city so not much to write about it. Also I havent seen a single aboriginal here, which is kinda weird. Been spending the last 3 days with Mette (a danish girl from Perth that I lived next door to) just tagging along with her while she was shopping. She arrived from Perth Friday morning and is leaving for Sydney tomorrow morning on her way home.
I'm staying one more day because I have some stuff I have to take care of (losing more weight from my way to heavy backpack!) and buy before I leave, but on Tuesday morning I'm heading Southeast following the coast with Phillip Island being the first stop. Gonna be a mess trying to get out of this city..
I think Ill keep on going along the coast all the way up to the north, maybe making a detour to Canberra. There is alot to see inland but I cant just start zigzagging all over the country because I have a limited amount of money and time, I also miss Perth!

Edit: I got a new phone and phonenumber btw, got some better coverage now which is good if something happens to me. The new number is +61488695763 if you call from Sweden, and 0488695763 from Australia