So I had a big birthday party this Saturday, and being a little to old (turned 27 for those who didn't know or congratulated me!) to handle the heavy drinking I wasn't really fit to do all the packing yesterday. So delayed my departure for a day!
Anyway it gave me some time to buy the last stuff I had forgotten, the only thing I haven't decided on quite yet is if I'm going to get a new phone or not. With vodafone that I have now I only have coverage in the big cities, but to get Telstras NextG service which has better coverage I need to buy a new phone, its just 200$ but still. Trying not to waste to much money! But if I run into trouble in the middle of nowhere I would be nice to be able to call for help instead of lying on the roadside dying..
In August last year I challenged myself to not cut my hair for a whole year! (I usually trim it down to 3mm every second week). But sadly I failed, it just so much more convenient with short hair in all kind of ways when travelling so I shaved it off this Saturday, see pic!

So tomorrow morning I'm leaving, my first goal is Coolgardie/Kalgoorlie-Boulder, about 650km directly east. Its a long way to go in one day but I didn't think there will be any problems, the hardest part is actually getting out of the city so I'm taking the train to the outskirts and hope someone will pick me up there.
Made a list and almost packed it all in my new backpack now, good thing I bought a new 90 litre one otherwise there would be no way it would all fit. Despite I'm trying to bring as little as possible its ended over being over 100 different things in there.
So just wanted to tell a few rules before I leave, I will probably come up with a couple of more as go.
- I will never pay for a ride (offering them some goon at the end of the day or maybe making dinner if its a group of backpackers is ok).
- The only exception to the previous rule is when I have to get out of city centres, because anyone can figure out its not possible to hitchhike there. Also when crossing the sea to Tasmania if I'm doing that or going or tours (boat tours and tours where I'm not legally allowed to go unless I'm with a tour group).
- I am not allowed to ride with the same vehicle/people more then 2 consecutive days.
- There will be budged rules on food and sleeping, but haven't quite decided on these yet.
- There will be no planned ahead rides (like calling a logistics company and ask for a ride), exception being if someone offers me a ride the next day when I talk to them at the hostel or similar during the evening

And oh yeah, don't have any spellcheck on my laptop so please bear with the bad grammars and spelling!
Du e galen.. o grattis i efterskott! ;)
hi simon! this is andrei from the kangaroo island backpacker's motel. man i'm glad to have met you! i'll sure be following this trip of yours :)
by the way, i also turned 27 last saturday (the day we had our pictures taken hehe)
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