I know it gets a bit confusing with all these names, but thanks to the wonders of the internet you can now follow my trip on a map! Just check it out here.
I hiked some 5km through the beautiful area and then set up my tent on a hill with a great view of the bay of Hanö and the surrounding area.
My backpack weighs 20 kilos this time, but that’s without any food at all. Didn’t bring any with me from home because that would just be plain cheating! But 20 kilos isn’t much compared to the 35 kilos I was carrying around in Oz.
Myself I weighed in on 82,4 kilograms when waking up Thursday morning, will be interesting to see my weight when I finish this trip.
It rained quite some on me while walking but I kept under the trees so didn’t get too wet, and was rewarded with a beautiful rainbow as seen in the picture!
When I talk about hitching most people ask me what kind of people that pick me up, so I've decided to show you all by taking photos of every car I ride with if they allow it and then put it up here, I think you will all see a pattern very fast. And I also consider it to be a tribute to all the kind souls that aren't afraid or too busy to pick up hitchers.

ha ha oh wow simon again?! i love your blog, can't wait to see this trip. love the map too, gives me a good idea of where your going. looks like a very long journey.
-swanny xx
Go Helgur! You are living the free life. I like reading your blog, also because you are so not like me. :D Very refreshing. Wow, Sweden is BIG. Been there once myself when I was 10 or some, wonderful vacation. I remember endless fields of blueberries and no one in sight for miles.
Good luck!
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